Clinics We Offer


Antenatal Clinics and Postnatal Care

These are done by all the doctors who share the care with the midwife, and with the local hospital maternity departments. The midwife holds classes for mothers and their partners to attend in the final weeks of their pregnancy.

Postnatal care will be carried out by the midwife for a minimum of ten days.

Thereafter the health visitor will provide home visiting and is available for continuing advice and support at the child health clinic. She arranges small groups of new mums for mutual support and also clinics for helping with babies’ sleep problems. The health visitor can be contacted during office hours on 01732 882754.

Well-woman and well-man Clinics

These are conducted by the nurse. Anyone from 16 to 75 years of age may attend at 3-yearly intervals for a routine check and appropriate advice. All patients over 75 years of age are eligible for an annual health check.

Cervical Smears

These will be done by a nurse.

a baby lying on a bed

Child Development

The health visitors and doctors offer clinics to monitor children’s progress and to carry out the routine immunisations which are of such importance. Parents are reminded about these by post, as well as personally.

Contraceptive Advice

All doctors offer contraceptive advice in routine surgeries.

Diabetic Checks

These are carried out regularly by doctors & nurses for diabetic patients.

The nurse in charge of diabetic care is also available for advice by appointment.

a model of a heart

Cardiovascular Checks

These are carried out by the appropriate nurse by appointment

Asthma Clinics

These are carried out by the nurse in charge of asthma care, to achieve optimum treatment for everyone with asthma.

Anticoagulant Clinic

This is run by one of the nursing team to control the regime of those patients on Warfarin.